Automated Page Creation
2005-06-07 15:59:19 UTC
Hi All,<BR><BR>I have been using http messages to create pages in a MoinMoin wiki under 1.2.4.&nbsp; Essentailly pretending to be a browser.&nbsp; Now that the wiki has been upgraded to 1.3.4, my Python scripts no longer work because the various forms and methods have changed.<BR><BR>So, before I go and fix my scripts, I thought that I should check to see if there's a better way.<BR><BR>I have taken a very brief look at WikiRPC, but could not find a way of creating an attachment, so abandoned it.&nbsp; <BR><BR>I've also tried to get PageEditor.SaveText to work, but will need an example or something.&nbsp; All PageEditor constructors want&nbsp;a Request and all Request constructors want a Wiki Instance as a parameter.&nbsp; Any examples out there or better ideas?<BR><BR>Craig

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games. How far can you shotput
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2005-06-08 08:06:51 UTC
<TD><LINK href="../styles/preview.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet><FONT size=2>Hi All,<BR><BR>I have been using http messages to create pages in a MoinMoin wiki under 1.2.4.&nbsp; Essentailly pretending to be a browser.&nbsp; Now that the wiki has been upgraded to 1.3.4, my Python scripts no longer work because the various forms and methods have changed.<BR><BR>So, before I go and fix my scripts, I thought that I should check to see if there's a better way.<BR><BR>I have taken a very brief look at WikiRPC, but could not find a way of creating an attachment, so abandoned it.&nbsp; <BR><BR>I've also tried to get PageEditor.SaveText to work, but will need an example or something.&nbsp; All PageEditor constructors want&nbsp;a Request and all Request constructors want a Wiki Instance as a parameter.&nbsp; Any examples out there or better ideas?<BR><BR>Craig<BR><BR></FONT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games. How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: http://www.necitguy.com/?r
Alexander Schremmer
2005-06-08 19:24:56 UTC
I've also tried to get PageEditor.SaveText to work, but will need an example or something. All PageEditor constructors want a Request and all
Request constructors want a Wiki Instance as a parameter. Any examples out there or better ideas?
you can get a request easily:

from MoinMoin.request import RequestCLI
request = RequestCLI(url = 'localhost/')
request.form = request.args =


Kind regards,

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games. How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: http://www.necitguy.com/?r=20
Craig Johnson
2005-06-08 21:50:48 UTC
Hi All,

I have been using http messages to create pages in a MoinMoin wiki under
1.2.4. Essentailly pretending to be a browser. Now that the wiki has
been upgraded to 1.3.4, my Python scripts no longer work because the
various forms and methods have changed.

So, before I go and fix my scripts, I thought that I should check to see
if there's a better way.

I have taken a very brief look at WikiRPC, but could not find a way of
creating an attachment, so abandoned it.

I've also tried to get PageEditor.SaveText to work, but will need an
example or something. All PageEditor constructors want a Request and
all Request constructors want a Wiki Instance as a parameter. Any
examples out there or better ideas?


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games. How far can you shotput
a projector? How fast can you ride your desk chair down the office luge track?
If you want to score the big prize, get to know the little guy.
Play to win an NEC 61" plasma display: http://www.necitguy.com/?r=20