Performance importing pages
matthew warren
2005-05-28 23:56:06 UTC
Hallo, MoinMoin'ers

I have a very simple piece of code to import a set of articles into a
MoinMoin Wiki.

It goes like this;

for PageName in UniqHeadings:
request = RequestCLI()
editor = PageEditor(request,PageName)
editor.saveText(editor.normalizeText(Articles[PageName]), 0)

this has a list of around 4,500 UniqHeadings to get through. Average article
size is 2k. An Apache served MoinMoin instance is running.

It is currently writing pages at the rate of around 8 per minute. Do I
really have to wait 9 hours, or is something amiss?



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Nir Soffer
2005-05-29 04:16:56 UTC
Post by matthew warren
I have a very simple piece of code to import a set of articles into a
MoinMoin Wiki.
It goes like this;
request = RequestCLI()
editor = PageEditor(request,PageName)
editor.saveText(editor.normalizeText(Articles[PageName]), 0)
this has a list of around 4,500 UniqHeadings to get through. Average
size is 2k. An Apache served MoinMoin instance is running.
It is currently writing pages at the rate of around 8 per minute. Do I
really have to wait 9 hours, or is something amiss?
I think you miss something - looks like this code will not work - how
the code knows where is your wiki data dir with no url?

I tested this code on my idle machine (G5 Dual 2G):

import sys
sys.path = [# The path to the wiki directory
# The path to moinmoin, not needed if its installed with
'/Volumes/Home/nir/Projects/moin/fix'] + sys.path

from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
from MoinMoin.request import RequestCLI

def save(url, pagename, text):
request = RequestCLI(url=url, pagename=pagename)
editor = PageEditor(request, pagename)
text = editor.normalizeText(text)
dummy, revision, exists = editor.get_rev()
return editor.saveText(text, revision)

import os
url = 'localhost/fix/'
dir = 'imports'
files = [name for name in os.listdir(dir)
if not name.startswith('.')]
for name in files:
text = file(os.path.join(dir, name)).read()
save(url, name, text)

I imported 80 2132 bytes pages in 10.4s.

Best Regards,

Nir Soffer

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