Leonardo Gregianin
2005-05-03 12:21:48 UTC
The files of translation in MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br are equal.
The difference is that the MoinI18n/pt-br was incorporated does not
wiki, and the file MoinI18n/pt is being was wiki by more of a person.
I ask that they overhaul the form of incorporate the translations.
Eduardo Isatto: Because is not going to help to tidy the file
MoinI18n/pt? It is wiki, everybody collaborate! :-)
Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.
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The difference is that the MoinI18n/pt-br was incorporated does not
wiki, and the file MoinI18n/pt is being was wiki by more of a person.
I ask that they overhaul the form of incorporate the translations.
Eduardo Isatto: Because is not going to help to tidy the file
MoinI18n/pt? It is wiki, everybody collaborate! :-)
Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.
Get your fingers limbered up and give it your best shot. 4 great events, 4
opportunities to win big! Highest score wins.NEC IT Guy Games. Play to
win an NEC 61 plasma display. Visit http://www.necitguy.com/?r=20