MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br
Leonardo Gregianin
2005-05-03 12:21:48 UTC
The files of translation in MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br are equal.
The difference is that the MoinI18n/pt-br was incorporated does not
wiki, and the file MoinI18n/pt is being was wiki by more of a person.

I ask that they overhaul the form of incorporate the translations.

Eduardo Isatto: Because is not going to help to tidy the file
MoinI18n/pt? It is wiki, everybody collaborate! :-)

Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.

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Eduardo Luis Isatto
2005-05-03 18:44:04 UTC

It's not a matter of lack of collaboration... In spite of the fact that both languages have many (or most of) words in common, there are some exceptions that could stop user comprehension. For example, in Brazilian Portuguese there is no meaning for the word "ecrã" (screen or video). We use "vídeo" instead. "Rato" (mouse) is used to designate the animal, not the pointer device. And so on... :D

So, my opinion is that users in both (and many more) countries would be benefited if pt.po and pt-br.po are run in syncronization, in a collaborative way. It would be particularly interesting for that to have a central coordination.

Leonardo: you have my support for that.

Best regards,

Eduardo Isatto
Post by Leonardo Gregianin
The files of translation in MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br are equal.
The difference is that the MoinI18n/pt-br was incorporated does not
wiki, and the file MoinI18n/pt is being was wiki by more of a person.
I ask that they overhaul the form of incorporate the translations.
Eduardo Isatto: Because is not going to help to tidy the file
MoinI18n/pt? It is wiki, everybody collaborate! :-)
Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.
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Alexander Schremmer
2005-05-03 18:44:15 UTC
Post by Leonardo Gregianin
The files of translation in MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br are equal.
Are you sure? I already see in the first message that there are at least
small differences.

Besides that, are pt_PT (Portuguese Portuguese) and pt_BR (Brasilian
Portuguese) really the same? Somebody on our IRC channel said that both
languages are not, i.e. they would differ like the many local Spanish
derivatives do.

Kind regards,

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Leonardo Gregianin
2005-05-03 18:41:37 UTC
Hi to all,
Post by Alexander Schremmer
Besides that, are pt_PT (Portuguese Portuguese) and pt_BR (Brasilian
Portuguese) really the same? Somebody on our IRC channel said that both
languages are not, i.e. they would differ like the many local Spanish
derivatives do.
[portuguese below]

Really, Pt-br and Pt-pt are peculiar but in the Wikipedia the persons of
the two languages live together well. To _equality_ that be saying
would be that to Pt-pt and to Pt-br were translated by persons that
speak brasilian portuguese, therefore, are equal.

[pt] Realmente Pt-br e Pt-pt são diferentes mas na Wikipedia esta
diferença é suprimível e as pessoas dos dois idiomas convivem bem. A
_igualdade_ que estava dizendo seria que a pt-pt e a pt-br foram
traduzidos por pessoas que falam português do Brasil, portanto, são iguais.

Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.

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Eduardo Luis Isatto
2005-05-03 19:59:40 UTC

I respect and partially agree with Leonardo. In the specific case of pt_PT and pt_BR there is also an agreement between governments to integrate both languages in the long term. However, it is the _ideal_ situation. In my specific situation, I am dealing with undergraduate students and need to be understood. As the say in Total Quality Management, we need to hear our customers. :)

BTW, is much more difficult to Wikipedia to handle different languages than in MoinMoin. Also, Wikipedia has an important role to play in this process of language integration. I don't think the same happens with MoinMoin.


Eduardo Isatto
Post by Leonardo Gregianin
Hi to all,
Post by Alexander Schremmer
Besides that, are pt_PT (Portuguese Portuguese) and pt_BR (Brasilian
Portuguese) really the same? Somebody on our IRC channel said that both
languages are not, i.e. they would differ like the many local Spanish
derivatives do.
[portuguese below]
Really, Pt-br and Pt-pt are peculiar but in the Wikipedia the persons of
the two languages live together well. To _equality_ that be saying
would be that to Pt-pt and to Pt-br were translated by persons that
speak brasilian portuguese, therefore, are equal.
[pt] Realmente Pt-br e Pt-pt são diferentes mas na Wikipedia esta
diferença é suprimível e as pessoas dos dois idiomas convivem bem. A
_igualdade_ que estava dizendo seria que a pt-pt e a pt-br foram
traduzidos por pessoas que falam português do Brasil, portanto, são iguais.
Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.
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Leonardo Gregianin
2005-05-03 19:18:22 UTC
Eduardo, I also am saying that the situation of the MoinMoin is
different, and support the difference. What thinks of move of pt.po for
pt_PT.po and clear? Then, someone that really speak pt_PT can translate
the pt_PT, and the pt_BR stayed as is?

Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.
Post by Eduardo Luis Isatto
I respect and partially agree with Leonardo. In the specific case of pt_PT and pt_BR there is also an agreement between governments to integrate both languages in the long term. However, it is the _ideal_ situation. In my specific situation, I am dealing with undergraduate students and need to be understood. As the say in Total Quality Management, we need to hear our customers. :)
BTW, is much more difficult to Wikipedia to handle different languages than in MoinMoin. Also, Wikipedia has an important role to play in this process of language integration. I don't think the same happens with MoinMoin.
Eduardo Isatto
This SF.Net email is sponsored by: NEC IT Guy Games.
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Eduardo Luis Isatto
2005-05-03 21:57:01 UTC

Ok, I agree with you with that. But I think it would be great if we use one file (maybe pt_PT) as a template, and work with diffs. Everyboy could learn a lot with that, because the differences between languages would be made explicit. I even suggest that the development team adopt some kind of common procedure to handle theses cases. Alexander and others, what do you think about that?

What abouto Jorge Godoy? Is he around? I'd like to hear his opinion about that, since he was the first translator.

Best regards,

Eduardo Isatto

P.S. According your words, I supose you are from Brazil. Great! Very good reason to hear Jorge (I he is from Portugal).
Post by Leonardo Gregianin
Eduardo, I also am saying that the situation of the MoinMoin is
different, and support the difference. What thinks of move of pt.po for
pt_PT.po and clear? Then, someone that really speak pt_PT can translate
the pt_PT, and the pt_BR stayed as is?
Best regards,
Leonardo Gregianin.
Post by Eduardo Luis Isatto
I respect and partially agree with Leonardo. In the specific case of pt_PT
and pt_BR there is also an agreement between governments to integrate both
languages in the long term. However, it is the _ideal_ situation. In my
specific situation, I am dealing with undergraduate students and need to
be understood. As the say in Total Quality Management, we need to hear our
customers. :)
BTW, is much more difficult to Wikipedia to handle different languages
than in MoinMoin. Also, Wikipedia has an important role to play in this
process of language integration. I don't think the same happens with
Eduardo Isatto
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